Design - Installation - Service - Repairs - Testing

Suthern fire protection inc.

“It’s like having Firefighters  in every room of your Home or Office”

Fire Services

fire protection services

We have our experience in the fire protection industry since 1990

comparison of a residential room with & without fire sprinklers

Over 80% of fire deaths occur in the home. Home fire sprinklers can save lives and property from fire. They respond quickly and effectively to fire, often extinguishing the fire before the fire department arrives. Only the sprinkler closest to the fire will activate, spraying water on the fire.

reliable emergency services

Non-union, state licensed, bonded and insured fire protection contractor. Our team brings many years of combined executive, estimating, design and installation experience.

residential or commercial

From a single family residence to a commercial buildings, our fire protection customers attest to the professionalism and expertise that we bring to each project. We are here for “All your fire protection needs”